Galante Baby offers FREE shipping on all orders shipped within the United States. International shipping prices are based on package weight and mailed with your carrier choice of USPS International or DHL Express Worldwide.
All orders are typically shipped within 3 business days of order date and are hand gift wrapped with care.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Please refer to our return policy about refunds and exchanges.
My daughter loves her blanket. It's soft (super soft), elegant and keep her warm all the time. The blanket is not a little piece of fabric, it is a well designed, well manufactured real blanket.
I love the look of the outfits, the fancy work is so pretty.
My sons (now 34 and 31) still have the blankets they were given as babies. They called them their “cool blankets.” They’ve passed them down to their sons, slighted ragged as they are. Truly a perfect baby gift and one of a kind.